Chiropratic News

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Chiropratic News

Golfers & Tennis Elbow

We can also see golfers elbow in tennis players and vice versa so these are not synonymous to their respective sport names. All in all, both are what we call a tendinopathy which is damage and inflammation of the tendon. We have large tendons on the inside and outside of our elbow which provide common attachments for the associated forearm muscles.

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Chiropratic News

Thoracolumbar Syndrome

The thoracolumbar region is where our mid back (thoracic spine) meets our low back (lumbar spine). This area is what we call a “transitional zone” within the spine which means a large amount of forces need to be absorbed and distributed around this area.

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Chiropratic News


Magnesium is an essential nutrient which everyone of us requires. The quantity varies from person to person depending on our absorption rate, the stress we are under or even our age

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